The History of Art And The Curious Lives of Famous Painters

100 Greatest Painters  Artists Alphabetically  Artists by Country  Artists by Century   Artists by Movement

The Realists

Realism painters favor nature, figurative compositions, landscapes, seascapes, and still-life's. It is school of painting so varied that it is impossible to generalize. Gustave Courbet, asserted "Painting is an essentially concrete art and can only consist of the representation of real and existing things . . . an object which is abstract, not visible, non-existent, is not within the realm of painting." Some Realist painters such as George Caleb Bingham shunned idealization and theatrical romanticizing while Jacques-Louis David reveled in it.  Different types of realism include - Classical Realism, Fantastic Realism, Social Realism, Heroic Realism and modern Photorealism. Realist painters were generally narrative. 

The Desperate Man c. 1845 by
Gustave Courbet

Key Descriptive Terms, Words, Phrases associated with Realist Painting - revolution, poverty, social realist,  figurative compositions, landscapes, seascapes, still-lifes, social issues, vulgar, rural bourgeoisie, peasants, Classical Realism, Fantastic Realism, Social Realism, Heroic Realism, Photorealism,  Realist,  narrative

"Beauty, like truth, is relative to the time when one lives and to the individual who can grasp it. The expression of beauty is in direct ratio to the power of conception the artist has acquired.” - Gustave Courbet quote

Important Realist Painters

Honoré Daumier (1808 - 1879) French

John James Audubon (1785 -1851) American

George Bellows (1882 - 1925) American

George Catlin (1796-1872) American

George Caleb Bingham (1811-1879) American

John  Copley (1738-1815) American

Gustave Courbet (1819 - 1877) French

Jacques-Louis David, (1748-1825) French

Thomas Eakins (1844-1916) American

James Peale  (1749-1831) American

Remington (1866-1909) American


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Italian Renaissance"

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