The History of Art And The Curious Lives of Famous Painters

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Spanish Painting During the Inquisition


During the 1500s  the church and monarchy in Spain were the primary patron of artists. According to Art Historian, Clara Erskine Clement Waters "Spanish painting had its birth during the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, and may be said to have been derived from Italy, through the influence of the Italian painters who went to Spain, and the Spanish artists who made their studies in Italy. But in spite of this strong Italian influence Spanish painting has its own characteristics which separate it from all other schools, and give it a high position on its own merits." Painters were expected to create works that were in keeping with  church doctrine. Paintings were also used to instruct  illiterate people and help them understand Biblical stories and concepts. One of the most important influences upon early Spanish painters was their belief that the Virgin Mary, Jesus and other holy spirits guided them in their studios. Most studios had a small alter for frequent prayer and holy guidance.

The Spanish Inquisitors regularly inspected  artist's paintings to make sure they did not contain any devilish influences. If a painter was found to be a bit free spirited in his interpretation of the scriptures he would almost certainly find himself accused of  being a heretic or apostate.  Once accused the artist was subject to horrifying tortures until he confessed his sins. One of the favored tortures especially reserved for artists was to have their eyes slowly burned out with a hot poker so they could no longer ply their trade. Others were simply were burned at the stake.

   The Greatest Spanish Painters

Juan Fernandez Navarrete (1526-1579)  Mannerist

Diego Velazquez (1599 - 1660)  Baroque

Francisco Goya (1746 - 1828)  Rococo

Bartolome Esteban Murillo 1617-1682  Baroque


Important Words, People, Phrases, Characteristics related to the Italian Renaissance Art Movement - rebirth, rediscovery of the classical world, City-state, Humanism, Humanist, Francesco Petrarch, Reform, The Prince, Theocracy, The Inquisition, Human Reasoning, Medici Academy, publication of Della Pittura, a book about the laws of mathematical perspective for artists, sfumato, chiaroscuro, linear perspectiveHeliocentric Theory, Petrarch, Baldassare Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier, liberal arts, civic humanism, Verrocchio, secularism, Leonardo Bruni, Lorenzo Valla, Neo-Platonism, nominalism, Giotto, Masaccio, Botticelli, Quattrocento, vanishing point, Savonarola, oligarchy spiritually significant,  illuminated manuscript idealized biblical themes, scriptorium, emotion, illuminator,  iconoclast,  Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci,  Age of Discovery, axonometric drawing, curiosity about the natural world, mythology,  realistic use of colours and light Bonfire of the Vanities, Old Testament stories, ethereal and foggy backgrounds, Gospel parablesThe Blackdeath, romanticized landscapes,  Christian symbolism. Paradise


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