Victorian poet,
artist, critic, social revolutionary, philosopher and conservationist
Cause of Death - influenza
John Ruskin Greatest Quotations
About Art
"You can have noble art only from noble
persons, associated under laws fitted to their time and circumstances."
-- John Ruskin
"Art makes us believe what we would not
otherwise have believed." -- John Ruskin
"You must have the right moral state first,
or you cannot have the art." -- John Ruskin
"The fineness of the possible art is an index
of the moral purity and majesty of the emotion it expresses." -- John
"The feudal and monastic buildings of Europe,
and still more the streets of her ancient cities, are vanishing like
dreams: and it is difficult to imagine the mingled envy and contempt
with which future generations will look back to us.. " -- John Ruskin
A List
of John Riskins Favorite Painters
Gabriel Rossetti
Holman Hunt
Edward Robert Hughes
John William Godward
John William Waterhouse
Lord Frederic Leighton
Edward Burne-Jones
Walter Howell Deverell
Ruskin on Artists
"There is
probably no necessity more imperatively felt by the artist, no
test more unfailing of the greatness of artistical treatment, than that
of the appearance of repose, and yet there is no quality whose semblance
in mere matter is more difficult to define or illustrate. Nevertheless,
I believe that our instinctive love of it, as well as the cause to which
I attribute that love, (although here also, as in the former cases, I
contend not for the interpretation, but for the fact,) will be readily
allowed by the reader. As opposed to passion, changefulness, or
laborious exertion, repose is the especial and separating characteristic
of the eternal mind and power; it is the "I am" of the Creator opposed
to the "I become" of all creatures; it is the sign alike of the supreme
knowledge which is incapable of surprise, the supreme power which is
incapable of labor, the supreme volition which is incapable of change;
it is the stillness of the beams of the eternal chambers laid upon the
variable waters of ministering creatures; and as we saw before that the
infinity which was a type of the Divine nature on the one hand, became
yet more desirable on the other from its peculiar address to our prison
hopes, and to the expectations of an unsatisfied and unaccomplished
existence, so the types of this third attribute of the Deity might seem
to have been rendered farther attractive to mortal instinct, through the
infliction upon the fallen creature of a curse necessitating a labor
once unnatural and still most painful, so that the desire of rest
planted in the heart is no sensual nor unworthy one, but a longing for
renovation and for escape from a state whose every phase is mere
preparation for another equally transitory, to one in which permanence
shall have become possible through perfection. Hence the great call of
Christ to men, that call on which St. Augustine fixed essential
expression of Christian hope, is accompanied by the promise of rest;
and the death bequest of Christ to men is peace." from Modern Painters
Volume II.
John Ruskin Quotes
banish imperfection is to destroy expression, to check exertion, to
paralyze vitality.
believe that the first test of a great man is his humility. I don't
mean by humility, doubt of his power. But really great men have a
curious feeling that the greatness is not of them, but through them.
And they see something divine in every other man and are endlessly,
foolishly, incredibly merciful.
Sunshine is delicious, rain
is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really
no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. |
Descriptive Words and Phrases associated with the Renaissance
Movement -
rediscovery of the classical
world, publication of Della Pittura,
a book about the laws of mathematical perspective for
artists, sfumato,
manuscript, idealized
biblical themes,
Age of Discovery,
axonometric drawing, curiosity about the natural world, mythology,
of colours and light, Bonfire
of the Vanities, Old Testament stories,
ethereal and foggy backgrounds, Gospel parables,
romanticized landscapes,
facts and information about Giulio Campi and the artists of
the renaissance era? Poke around every nook and cranny of the known
universe for information this subject.
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